What are the functions and effects of folate

Folate has a variety of functions and effects, which can prevent anemia in pregnant women, birth defects in infants, promote placental development, prevent Alzheimer's disease, and prevent hypertension.

What are the functions and effects of folate

Prevention of anemia in pregnant women

Pregnant women taking folate can relieve the discomfort during pregnancy. Taking folate can effectively prevent anemia in pregnant women.

Prevent birth defects in infants

Folate can promote the development of baby, prevent birth defects, reduce the risk of defects such as neural tube defects, and prevent defects such as congenital heart disease.

Promote placental development.

Pregnant women taking folate can promote the development of the placenta, so that the baby can get more nutrients. At the same time, taking folate also affects the basic structure and DNA of fetal cells.

Prevent Alzheimer's disease

Folate can enhance memory, the elderly can take some folate tablets, can play a role in improving intelligence.

Prevention of hypertension

Folate can soften blood vessels, and taking folate tablets properly can effectively prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis and other diseases.

Magnafolate® is a patent protected Crystalline L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate calcium (active folate) developed by JinKang Hexin in China in 2012.

Calcium L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate is safer, purer, more stable and suitable for a wide range of people including those with MTHFR gene mutations.

Calcium L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate does not need to be metabolised in the body and can be absorbed directly.

Email: info@magnafolate.com

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