Active Folate: Why Choose Crystalline Form?


Welcome to this article, where we delve into the scientific world of active folate and explore why choosing crystalline active folate is a wise choice for you.

The Importance of Active Folate:

Active folate, also known as L-5-MTHF (5-Methyltetrahydrofolate), is the biologically active form of folate within the body. It plays a vital role in maintaining cellular function, facilitating DNA synthesis, and preventing neural tube defects.

Market Status:

Currently, the market offers two primary types of active folate salts: amorphous and crystalline. For consumers without a professional background, stability is the paramount factor in the decision-making process. As folate is an essential supplement for pregnant women, understanding the differences in stability is crucial for making informed health decisions that directly impact maternal and fetal health and well-being.

The Difference between Crystalline and Amorphous Active Folate:

Within the discipline of chemistry, 'crystalline' and 'amorphous' are terms that encapsulate the distinct microstructures of solid materials. Crystalline substances are marked by a regular and repeating molecular structure, which results in a precise melting point. Conversely, amorphous substances are characterized by a molecular arrangement that is haphazard, lacking the structured long-range order that is characteristic of crystalline forms.

Following Comparative illustrations clearly reveal the stark differences in appearance and stability between crystalline and amorphous active folate.

As depicted in the diagram, amorphous forms of active folate salts are prone to degradation when stored. Within a mere span of 5 days, they deteriorate into a dark, viscous substance, with a marked degradation in purity.

In a striking contrast, crystalline active folate salts, exemplified by Magnafolate®, retain their stability in both appearance and purity throughout a 15-day open exposure test, underscoring their superior stability and reliability.

Your Peace of Mind Choice:

Considering safety and efficacy, selecting the crystalline form of active folate salt is the superior option. Magnafolate®, a crystalline active folate, features a globally unique C-type crystallization technology, backed by multiple international patents (e.g., CN201210019038.4, US9150982, and others), and supported by 48 months of room temperature stability data, offering the assurance you seek.


Active folate is essential for our health. Crystalline active folate has emerged as the preferred choice in the market, renowned for its stability and safety. By choosing crystalline active folate, you make the choice backed by science for peace of mind and effectiveness. We encourage you to opt for crystalline products as you journey towards health, ensuring wise choices for the well-being of you and your family.

We're grateful for your readership. We hope this article has offered valuable insights to assist you in making informed nutritional decisions.

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