How does folic acid affect vitamin B12?

More and more researches show that there is concern high intakes of folic acid from fortified food and dietary supplements might mask the macrocytic anemia of vitamin B12.

However, Magnafolate® is an alternative to Folic acid, a new kind of folate source.

How does folic acid affect vitamin B12?
Compared to Folic acid, advantages of Magnafolate®:

  • 2 times higher bioavailability ;
  • No need to metabolize, can be absorbed directly.
Folic acid need to be converted to the metabolically active 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) through a multi-steps process where the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) plays a key role. While,  70% people who can’t convert the folic acid due to the MTHFR gene mutation. However, Magnafolate® is suitable for all people, Magnafolate® can cross blood brain barrier and be absorbed directly, which has a good effect on folate metabolism disorders as well. 

  • Mgnafolate® has the same chemical structure as the folate existing in our blood
  • Much safer: Magnafolate® wouldn’t bring the unmetabolized folic acid which has many potential risks for our body.
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