Active Folate for Heart Health

According to extensive research, homocysteine plays an important role in preventing the risk factors leading to heart disease. 

An excessive accumulation of this amino acid in the blood - caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, a poor diet or even genetic factors - can in fact lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD), which still represents one of the major causes of mortality in the western world.

Active Folate is considered an important regulator of homocysteine metabolism but particularly Magnafolate®, L-5-Methylfolate, is able to guarantee the right folate integration helping to normalize Hcy levels even in people with polymorphism of the gene MTHFR C677T.

Active Folate for Heart Health

Magnafolate® active folate(L-Methylfolate)—that can be directly absorbed and utilized by human body.

Magnafolate® ,the Manufacturers & Supplier of active folate(L-Methylfolate).

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