Take L-Methylfolate Supplement

It is worthwhile to consider taking a folate supplement (400 to 500 micrograms per day). As with any supplement, you should ask your healthcare provider before starting. Folate supplements may not be recommended for those with certain conditions.

Because folate is water-soluble, it is very difficult to consume dangerous amounts. That means that whatever your body doesn't use is filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Though excess folate consumption isn't likely to cause serious harm, it can cause side effects. Too much folate can cause headaches, stomach upset, diarrhea, and other discomfort.
Take L-Methylfolate Supplement
So We recommend better folate:
Magnafolate® L Methylfolate—maximizes the supplementation delivering a "finished" folate the body can immediately use without any kind of metabolization.
It can better supplement the folate that the body lacks.

Jinkang Pharma ,the Manufacturer & Supplier of L Methylfolate.
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