The L-methylfolate for pregnancy people

Every year, there are an estimated more than 260,100 pregnancies affected by NTDs worldwide. 5 The prevalence of folate deficiency exceeds 20% in many lower-income economies, and is often below 5% in higher-income economies.

Based on available data, most health organizations recommend that women of childbearing age—especially those planning pregnancy—take a daily L-Methylfolate supplement (folate or L-methylfolate) at least 4 weeks before conception at 400 mcg or higher and Continue to take for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The L-methylfolate for pregnancy
Magnafolate® maximizes the folate supplementation delivering a "finished" folate the body can immediately use without any kind of metabolization.

Magnafolate® ,the Manufacturers & Supplier of active folate(L-Methylfolate).
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